Dear Family:
We are coming to the end of a year unlike any other in recent memory. A moment in time where the coronavirus pandemic took center stage worldwide disrupting societies. A year where there was widespread protests against racial, political and cultural clashes that have taken place in the streets around the world. The protests were broadcast over the airwaves, and across social media, all during a tumultuous US presidential-election that touched people worldwide. As we near the end of 2020, we have grown weary and tired. And moreover, the memories and emotions that touched us all so deeply, where we witnessed our Founder, Connie Phelps, transition in June.
In a year filled with confusion, uncertainty, turmoil and for some, darkness, as we approach the end of this 2020 year, I want to invite each of us to usher in and focus on love, peace, hope, more faith and light as we enter into 2021.
Amidst a formidable year, there is still so much to be celebrating. Reverend Connie gave all of us the greatest gift of connection. Each and every one of us are forever connected through her love and commitment to our Spiritual Community. For that, I will be forever and eternally grateful.
Additional gifts this year include our classes having grown. Our Spiritual Community has exponentially expanded. To name a few blessings, we have a teen group, we have a regular Friday service, we have blogs, Ministerial students, and so much more!
2020 has brought undeniable connection and blessings. Our staff, volunteers, participants and members are incredible treasures and gifts to the world. The love I am sharing and experiencing with my new Spiritual family is remarkable and brings me an abundance of happiness. The newly established relationships with so many have warmed my heart to the core.
I know in our Spiritual Community we continue to awaken to becoming more and never less than who we are meant to be. We are all perfect emanations originating from Spirit as we co-create our lives together, as God moves and has Its way through each of us wholly and completely. We unite through Source with each other through the power of the incredible teaching of the Science of Mind where each of us openly dives into a deeper love with ourselves, our families, our community, and the world recognizing each and every one of us is a blessing to God.
For some of us, this last season has been filled with waiting, anticipation and at times discouragement. Some are still waiting in the area of healing, finances, unfulfilled dreams or desires.
Today, I want you to know what I know for you. I pray you feel blessed in your season of waiting and anticipation, knowing the gifts of life come in many packages. I feel the hope of fulfillment filling your cup to overflowing in your waiting space. I know the empowerment of Spirit of the One gifts you with a sense of peace that reaches beyond your present circumstances. I recognize the joy of love that strengthens and embraces you and all those you share life with. I celebrate with proclaimed rejoicing in the perfect love of God as you rest in the hands of grace eliminating all of your fear and worry.
I embrace each of you with all the love and hope-filled Christmas Season and wonderful New Year that you are willing to accept. May the awe and wonder of the many blessings of our world-wide connected community bring to each of us: Light, Love, Life, Joy, Beauty, Peace & Power! These are the attributes of God at Christmastime and always!
It is an absolute honour to be your Co-Spiritual Leader alongside Reverend Gwen Smith, our incredible Boards of Trustees and Foundation, as we all advance together and move forward dancing courageously, bravely, boldly, openly and willingly into 2021!
The Universe has blessed me and my spiritual family with rich relationships and beautiful moments of Godness with and through us. Together, we are part of God’s beautiful gift to each other. Thank you for walking with me and making the Centre For Spiritual Living Kenya your spiritual home.
When I look into our future, I’m excited for what the Universal Mind has in store for us and what we will create together, and how It will use our community to bring the presence of all God Attributes to the world. There is so much goodness and excitement in what lies ahead of us.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers in this coming season. From my family to yours, I bless you with a joy-filled and peaceful Christmas season. May you celebrate together with your families and loved ones. May we surrender with the words of our Founder, Ernest Holmes, “Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.” “Nothing is impossible with God”.
In closing, “Merry Christmas, everyone! In reality, this past year was a time of incredible blessings for our Spiritual family.
I ask you to ponder this question: What is the deeper meaning of Christmas?
To me, Christmas is about belonging, inalienable belonging, the belonging that is literally our birthright. So the wisdom of Christmas is a natural state of beingness. Our Spiritual Family and Community reminds me, we all belong together on this life journey.
Abundant peace and blessings today, tomorrow and always.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Reverend Barbara Samuel
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